
Softball Rules

Softball Rules                         Applies for both men and coed



(Unless noted here, please use USSSA rule sets.)


Pinch Runner Rule: Batter must make it to 1st. Last out of gender. Unlimited amount.


Strikes and Balls:  Arc must reach 6ft and not exceed 10ft and hit the mat. All pitches must come from the hip on the throwing hand side of the body with no fakes. Pitchers are STRONGLY ENCOURAGED to wear safety gear.


Male/Female Ratio:  A maximum of 6 male players are allowed on the field at once. Teams must have at least 3 females to play. 


Commit Line:  Once a runner crosses this line, they are committed to home plate.  They cannot return to third unless they are going back to tag up. Home is a force out and runner cannot be tagged after commit line.


Bats/Cleats: Bats must be USA/ASA, NSA, or USSSA. No metal cleats.


Players:   A team may field 10 players. Must have minimum of 7 players (minimum of 3 females in coed leagues). There may not be more than 6 players in the infield when the ball is hit. 


Time Limit:  Games are seven innings or 1 hour. If 50 minutes of play or more have passed at the start of a new inning, the umpire shall call last inning. Losing team will bat first in last inning. (USSSA Flip Flop Rule)


Hitting: Each hitter will start with a 1-1 count.  Batters will be given one foul with 2 strikes on the next foul they will be out. Any foul-tip caught by the catcher will be an out.


Run limit: There is a maximum of 7 runs allowed per at bat.  If 7 is reached the following inning only 6 runs are allowed and the inning after only 5.  This only applies to the team that is leading. The team that is behind is allowed to catch up and take the lead up to 7. 


Home Runs:  Men’s Upper (D) 3 HR, Men’s Lower (E) 1HR, Co-ed Strong Upper (D) 3HR, Coed Strong Lower and Weak hand (E) 1HR. After HR max, inning ending outs. This is HR per game. HR hitting team is responsible to bring back the balls.


Walks: (Coed only) Males will be granted 2 bases on a walk and the following female will have the option to hit or take first base. If the male receiving a walk, forces in the max runs per inning, the following female will start the next inning without the option to walk.


Batting Order: ALL players must bat. The batting order- upto 2 male players can bate beween female players  (for coed leagues). In the event of more female than male players on a roster, females may bat back-to-back, but two guys will not bat in a row.

Substitutions:  As long as substitutions are not preventing players from being involved or unfairly used they will be allowed at any time. Subs will not be allowed to play if a team has 10 rostered players able to play at the field.




LXC Sports and Social Club

812 Lyndon Lane

Suite 202

Louisville, KY 40242

(502) 384-7529

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